September 2015
Taking your first step into a manager, co-ordinator or supervisor role is exciting but it can be, and probably should be, tough.
It is probable that you were offered support, may be even coaching, but someone forgot to organise it and you didn’t know how or who to ask.
Even after a few weeks or a few months or a few years in the role there are times when you don’t really feel like a manager but you don’t know what a manager should feel like.
It is likely that you thought “I’ll just settle in before I make changes”, but you are already facing decisions on………….
How to manage a person who keeps going to the old manager for direction, and the old manager doesn’t realise it.
What to do about managing the loud, exuberant and popular staff member whose performance problem has been ignored or only partially managed previously.
And how to change a culture of long morning tea and chat breaks.
You can see these things and more as challenges to drag you down or you can see them as real opportunities to learn. You can react intuitively or you can take a moment to think through how to manage the short-term issue for the long-term gain.
If you want to be a more effective manager consider our ‘Cues and Clues for Effective Managers’ – a five day Master Class Series designed specifically for the new and the not so new manager. Click here for information and bookings.
Bernadette O’Connor is Executive Director of Management Governance Australia Pty Ltd – a consultancy training company operating in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. Her experience includes Chief Executive Officer positions for three companies and an extensive background in business change management and leading teams to diversify and innovate for growth. She works with leaders and managers to achieve success.
Connect with her on LinkedIn
Or follow on Twitter @BOConnorMGA