“We believe that to innovate is to make the best use of available resources to arrive at the optimal solution.”
- Bernadette O’Connor
“We believe that to innovate is to make the best use of available resources to arrive at the optimal solution.”
- Bernadette O’Connor
Our experienced consultants bring a ‘can do’ and client-focused attitude to their work and are regarded as some of the best talent across a diverse range of disciplines. They possess a genuine depth of expertise and understanding of the unique challenges impacting business, government and our communities.
The networks MGA has developed reflect how we work: our partners lead their industries in methodology, creativity, and results.
The Way We Work
MGA delivers for our clients a truly collaborative approach to navigating important challenges while providing practical solutions. MGA puts a diverse range of cutting-edge skills and knowledge at every client’s disposal and our consultants are part of their local cultures and communities. We speak our clients’ languages, figuratively and literally.
MGA partners with our clients to offer guidance and support across a broad range of capabilities. We utilise our deep experience across a wide range of sectors to add value, quality and focus and, most importantly, outcomes!
“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
John Steinbeck
Edge Interface helps your business to innovate by:
Identifying and clarifying business imperatives
Facilitating culture and people to drive success
Focusing new thinking on problem determination

Below are some examples of where MGA uses Edge Interface to offer highly relevant consultancy services:
G21 Region Learning Strategy Scoping Study – is currently determining the nature of a collaborative Learning Strategy that positions learning as central to community, workforce and wellbeing; identifying key partnerships that facilitate and join up learning, as drivers for change; and, creating a business case to seek partial or full funding of the development of a G21 Region Learning Strategy.
Wyndham City Council – undertook the evaluation of the Wyndham Learning Community Strategy 2014-2017 and developed the Wyndham Learning City Strategy 2018-2023 – formally adopted in February 2019.
Adult Community & Further Education (ACFE) Board (Victorian Department of Education) – Completed in December 2018 a review of the ACFE Board’s approach to providing skills and knowledge development for Low Skilled & Vulnerable Workers;
Melbourne University – in partnership with Bluefox Group, developed an outbound engagement strategy and customer journey map for Graduate Online Student Support Service (M Space).
Pinarc Disability Services – developed a business strategy for a manufacturing & supplier partnership to bring smart home automation & assistive technologies into the lives of people with disability.
South West TAFE – facilitated the development of NDIS Business Transition Plan
Birregurra Hall Committee – April 2019 – contracted by Colac Otway Shire to facilitate the first Strategic Planning session for the new Birregurra Hall Committee.
Birregurra Community Health Advisory Committee – April 2019 -contracted by Colac Area Health to work with Advisory Committee to establish clarity of purpose and a future plan.
Colac Otway Disability Accommodation (CODA) – April 2019 – facilitation of CODA Board and Executive to develop its Strategic Plan.
Work Pl>ys VR – partnering with Workforce Plus, MGA project managed the development of this fully immersive virtual/mixed reality work experience game that introduces young people to disability services as a career/work option. Current roll out includes career expos in partnership with NDS in Victoria, NSW, WA and NT.
Care Pl>ys VR – partnering with Workforce Plus, MGA is facilitating and contracting the project management of the development, trialing and implementation of Care Pl>ys VR in the Northern Territory, 2018 – current.
GROW Our Own – Colac Workforce Development Network – Facilitating the development of the Colac Workforce Development Network on behalf of GROW and Give Where You Live
WCIG – Project managing a major corporate transition for this significant disability employment service provider, including the development of a new service delivery model, Customer Journey and articulation of desired attributes for management and frontline staff.
Establishment of Learn Local in Gippsland – project managing for Workforce Plus the establishment of the organisation as a Learn Local in Gippsland, Victoria.
Organisational Reviews |
Windarring Disability Service – major review of Windarring’s finance, disability service model and staffing structure. Redevelopment to ensure ongoing viability within the NDIS business environment. MGA is providing specialist consultancy support to the major changes that are underway as a result of the review.
DPV Health – major review of DPV Health’s Centre Based Disability Services including its business and service model, financial performance and staffing structure. MGA is providing oversight of the DPV team charged with implementing the recommendations from the review.
MacKillop Family Services – In 2018/19 undertook a NDIS Business Review and Plan for this large national provider of family services.
Mallee Track Community Health – Undertook in 2018 the development of a NDIS Business Model for potential implementation in the thin market area of the Mallee in Victoria.
Association for Children with Disability – developed a strategic NDIS plan, a business strategy for Changing Places & business implementation plan for transition to NDIS.
WDEA Works – to integrate planning and service development in a model for NDIS transition.
Working Communities Network (WCN) – included design and development of service delivery model and implementation of a comprehensive reporting & accountability framework. WCN operates across Greater Melbourne and Geelong.
Melbourne University – in partnership with BlueFox Group, undertook a review of its Graduate Online Student Support Service and provided recommendations for change in structure and service approach.
Latrobe Lifeskills – repositioned this RTO and Disability Service Provider to provide foundation skills development and learning opportunities for people with disability.
Business Skills – multi-state delivery to global supply chain SMEs in agribusiness, advanced manufacturing and commercial construction. Areas of focus are: financial management & growth; workforce planning & development; customer relationship management; business strategy; marketing; winning tenders; innovation and continuous improvement. Worked with over 150 businesses in 2018. Delivery in 2019 to over 200 businesses in Melbourne, Hobart, Launceston, Albury, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Cairns.
No To Violence – Business development and tendering strategies for workforce development in Victoria and Queensland
University of Divinity – Developing HR management processes and capability
Creating New Tomorrows – MGA, BlueFox Group and Acumen Human Capital utilize Edge Interface methodology to facilitate collaboration and strengthen business viability, sustainability and resilience.
Transitioning Skills for National Disability Services (NDS) – facilitated forums for over 60 CEOs and senior managers across Victoria to provide insights into business re-engineering and the importance of optimising resources.
CODA – Leadership development to grow supervisors into managers.
Focus Life – NDIS transition plan & executive leadership development.
Campaspe Primary Care Network – designed and delivered workshops on leading and managing volunteers.
Governance and Board Directorship |
Windarring Disability Services – working with the Board and CEO to develop a strong governance and strategy for the organisation.
Mawarra Disability Services – work with the Board to strengthen governance and develop strategy.
Carer Solutions Australia – quality systems, governance and management mentoring to position this company for NDIS growth beyond Victoria and Tasmania.
Maryborough Highlands Society – governance training for the Board and senior management.
Newcastle Business Chamber – facilitated a forum to introduce governance and director responsibilities.
Missionary for Sisters of Service – review of related entities and governance recommendations. Support for the implementation of recommendations including a review of Executive remuneration and contracting arrangements.
Gippsland Multicultural Society – review of Executive remunerations and related processes
Viridian Finance – advice and support for establishment of Foundation. Development of Policies to support the acceptance of gifts and disbursement of grants.
Preferred Provider Government & Other Panel Services |
National Disability Service – Subject Matter Expert services to support Disability Service Providers transition successfully to the NDIS
Department of Industry Innovation & Science (DIIS) – leadership development for senior staff.
Department of Industry Innovation & Science (DIIS) – business skills training for global supply chain SMEs nationally.
Department of Human Services (DHS) – leadership development for Centrelink, Child Support Agency and Medicare Contact Centre.
Department of Human Services Panel – advanced customer aggression training for frontline staff and managers.
Department of Jobs and Small Business and Department of Education and Training – vendor arrangement for panel services
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services – learning, coaching and organisational development
MGA, as managing agent for Workforce Plus RTO (TOID 3652) provides pathways into recognised accredited skills development.